Fluxgate Magnetometer Fluxmaster
Hand-held magnetometer for geomagnetic and EMI measurement
±200 µT measurement range
0.1 nT resolution
Analog voltage output DC to 1 kHz
3-axis Magnetic Field Sensor FLC3-70
For borehole orientation sensors, navigation, aerospace, and more.
New: HT version with 175 °C operating temperature.
Measurement range up to ±200 µT
Noise < 3nTpp (0.1 to 10 Hz)
Operating temperature up to 125 °C or up to 175 °C
Low-Noise Fluxgate Sensor FL1-100
Magnetometer with sub-nanotesla resolution for high precision applications
Versions with ±10 to ±1000 µT range
Noise < 20 pT/√Hz at 1 Hz
0.5% calibration accuracy
Miniature Magnetic Field Sensor FLC 100
Complete fluxgate magnetometer with high resolution but low price
Measurement range ±100 µT
Analog voltage output DC to 1 kHz