Miniature Magnetic Field Sensor FLC 100
Complete miniature fluxgate magnetometer can be used in any application where the sensitivity of Hall- or MR-magnetometers is not sufficient, e. g. measurement of the earth's field, detection of AC field from power lines, vehicle detection, compass navigation, and many others. Due to its low price and low power consumption ideally suited for multi-sensor array systems.
- Measurement range: ±100 µT
- Single 5 V supply voltage
- Only 2 mA current consumption
- Low noise: < 5 nTpp (0.1 to 10 Hz)
- Frequency range: DC to 1 kHz (-3 dB)
- Custom versions available
Download data sheet here: Data sheet FLC 100
Warning! Only buy from our authorized distributors:
Illegal replicas of our FLC 100 sensor as well as accessories like "drivers", "modules", and software have been offered in several countries. Some of these products are illegally sold under the brand "Stefan Mayer Instruments". The purchase and use of such products may be illegal and can result in consequential damage. We do not sell accessories like drivers, modules, and software for the FLC 100 sensor.
The safest and fastest way is to buy our products from our authorized representative in your country. Visit the "Partners" section to view Stefan Mayer Instruments authorized representatives around the world.